Distortion of Facts about 9/11

Details of the Construction of the Twin Towers
The twin towers were a completely unique design. A design that did not have the steel internal structure like every other building on the planet. This design used the exterior wall as its only support from a central core enabling the clear span of wide open spaces in the floor plan.That central core acted as a slide preventing any toppling. The towers were built in a 14 acre by 70 foot deep hole that acted as a bellows that escaped through the subway tunnel that went directly through the basement of Building 7, which was not your ordinary basement, but was an electrical substation filled with transformers and highly volatile equipment. There were no explosions, only puffs of air as each floor collapsed.
It doesn't take 1500 degrees to weaken steel
The biggest lie of the conspiracy theorists is that jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel. Fact is heat any heat weakens steel with out having to melt it.

9/11 Conspiracy Theories debunked
WTC 9/11 Politics

Building 7 Amidst the Rubble

Building 7 was built over a Electrical Substation which, in and of itself contains volatile chemicals capable of long burn time
There was a subway line that came through the WTC complex that exited the site through the basement of building 7
The WTC site was a 14.6 acre hole 70 feet deep with a structural lid in it to form a surface at ground level, and when the towers fell into this hole that area became a bellows that would blow fire through and under Building 7
Also The conspiracy Theorists seem to always show 3 sides of Building 7 but never the side that was toward the North Tower. and that side of the building in it's entirety was absolutely devastated.
All the facts show that there was zero controlled demolition, including there was zero actual explosions that come even close to mimicking real Demolition explosions!