We are a Republic not a Democracy
As soon as we have laws that are ignored we have chaos. Those that want majority to determine what the laws are rather than moral values to be the ruling factor, no longer want to protect their citizens. True Democracy is mob rule!

American Freedoms come from upholding the Law!
The Constitution of the United States when followed protects every individual. When ignored "We the People" suffer!

We have a clear divide between right and wrong!
These Ideals are American principles upon which we are established. Without the protection of enforced laws no ones rights are safe and our country stands in ruins. Anyone who does not uphold these principles is un-American

Frederick Douglas 1818 - 1895

The rule of law gives all men opportunity
The Constitution of the United States when followed protects every individual. When ignored "We the People" suffer!
Americans in name only!

No Rino's Please
Politicians of Democrat leaning policies run for office as Republicans as they could not be elected as Democrats. Their voting records show they are not true supporters of American Principles and are called RINO = Republicans In Name Only. These RINOs and those of like thinking have become the tools of the deceitful for tearing down our society!
Leadership Makes Difference
One of the things that has happened with President Trump being the leader he is , we see some RINOs making some good decisions, redeeming themselves.

Vetting our Candidates
As a society we have become bogged down with the day to day that we don't spend the time to find out who these people are that are running for office. Our Media has become a tool for deceit and are not fulfilling their definition of reporting facts!
Not Who they Claim to Be
Some have violated the American trust so deeply and repeatedly it is amazing they got elected so many times!