Jon Tester fills his pockets with lobbyist money, defends illegals and sanctuary cities and works against Montana! He's part of the swamp!

Communist take over of Democrat party explained
Last Chance Patriots hosted Trevor Loudon at multiple locations in Montana. Very important information was dispersed about the leftist climate and attempted takeover of the America and how the Democrats are no longer anything but communists!
Jon Tester Swamp thing

Facts Show that Tester bought Votes
The Corruption promoted by Tester and the Dems is the only reason Tester won anything. The checks given for votes were cashed by this witness in the link!!
Copies Of Checks Given for Votes!
Tester has never won a clean race, bribery in the form of Checks for Votes is undeniable.

Jon Tester fails with his promotion of lies!
Jon Tester blatantly Lies about the record of Admiral Ronny Jackson at senate hearing. The admiral served under three administrations (Bush, Obama, Trump) with no incidents, Yet Tester attacks him with baseless fabricated lies. Showing his lack of character!
Tester Can Be Bought
Some would say tester is bought and paid for, proof is there for all to see. Lobbyists from big Pharma have products that can not stand on their own so they bribe to get favors to promote side effects and take down the real providers of healthcare.

Tester Helps Feds Steal More of Montana Lands!
Tester's own brochure has his claim to fame being the "Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act". Which steals land from Monanan's and restricts use through the Federal regulations!
So Up Go the Signs!
Democrats And Tester remove 26,000 Miles of Public Access roads! and place signs restricting access of many more miles

Tester takes care of Tester
The only thing Tester protects is his pocketbook! His voting record shows he does not stand for Montana Values!
Tester Supports Law Breakers!
Tester's Voting record is clear he supports protecting the crimes of illegal aliens who break the law not only by coming here illegally but supports systems that protect their murdering of Americans!